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You don't have to go to a fancy retreat center to get the real value of a retreat, which is a journey within.  You can take an hour or a day to reconnect with your divine spark inside and reactivate the illumination on your path.  There are many ways I can help you with this:

Retreat to Within

Neck Massage

Self- Care

Spend an hour, or a half-day, receiving care for your body, mind and soul.  Massage, Sound bath, spiritual coaching, and more - modalities to help you ground and align, ready to continue on your path!


Inquire for more options and details.

Solo Journey

Take some time to really get to know your soul and your soul's journey.  Work with a guide to develop your INNER-standing of what you are really here for and what might be standing in your way.

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City at Night

Couples Journey

Get away from your routine and get back in touch with the real reasons your souls were attracted to each other.  A great way to re-connect or deepen your sense of purpose as a team.  Leave the sense of 'normal' behind for a day to remember why you are sharing a path and redefine what that path looks like


There will be monthly events at the sage house, to celebrate celestial events such as the full and new moons.  Sound baths and renewal workshops, breathwork and women's circles.  Divine Feminine Community in the medicine wheel and beyond.  Together we will bring the sacred back into our day to day lives and help heal ourselves and Gaia!

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4-5 hour immersion


When you arrive, we will do an assessment, where we do a little excercise to figure out where you're at right now.


Organically, we will start to see what type of support the soul would like to get to where you are going.


By the end of our session, we will come up with a game plan to get you there, while you still are on cloud 9 and we can access what inspired action looks like to you.


We will have 2 follow ups to make sure your path stays clear and heart-centered.


Body and Soul Nourished, your Purpose Engaged!

Anchor 1
Happy Couple


An Intimate Journey into the Soul of the Relationship



Starting with a tandem singing bowl and smudging session to clear your energy and get you both on the same frequency.


There will be some homework around expressing your current bereavements in the relationship and we will have a releasing ceremony.


Once we have cleared the path behind you, we can set the path before you with a non-traditional binding ceremony, like we have seen for thousands of years in so many cultures.



This is perfect for romantic relationships as well as business partnerships, family and even deep friendships.

Sound Bath



Moon Cycles are traditionally used for setting intentions and releasing control.


Join our mailing list for monthly invitations

Looking forward to sharing

the magic of the moon with you!

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